NWTF 2008 - Decorative Carved, Hand Checkered & La

NWTF 2008 Duck & Goose Call Competition - Division III
Category #4 - Decorative Carved Call

Calls whose major influence is relief carving using hand held power tools that are electric or air driven. Calls may have oil or stained finishes with main emphasis on the carving. Entries may include a duck or goose call.


Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge.

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Jim Dester
1st Place
2nd Best of Show

Reid Threadgill
2nd place

Bob Wiseman
3rd place

Scott Merchant
4th place

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Herb Ohley
5th place

Dean Brock
6th place




NWTF 2008 Duck & Goose Call Competition - Division III
Category #5 - Hand-Checkering Call

Calls whose intent is to feature the art and skill of hand checkering as the major influence. Entries may include a duck or goose call.


Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge.

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Bob Wiseman
1st Place

Doug Rice
2nd place

Leonard Douglas
3rd place

Dean Brock
4th place


NWTF 2008 Duck & Goose Call Competition - Division III
Category #6 - Laminated Call

Calls constructed of two or more types of wood or materials. The major influence being on the lamination of the call and the aisthetic appeal. Entries may include a duck or goose call.


Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge.


Todd Hanson
1st Place




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