NWTF 2008 - Working Goose Call A & B

NWTF 2008 Duck & Goose Call Competition - Division IV
Category #6 - Working Goose Calls-A

Category for short reed style calls made by utilizing any traditional or modern manufacturing technique or material with main emphasis on sound reproduction and quality of craftsmanship. Wood, acrylics, glass, plastics, injection molded and production calls are welcome.


Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge.

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Jacob Friend
1st Place

Mike Stelzner
2nd place

Wesley Waycaster
3rd place

Jacob Friend
4th place

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Herb Ohley
5th Place

Mike Stelzner
6th place

Bob Hayes

Brian Phillips

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Bob Hayes

Kelly Beltz

Mike Stelzner



NWTF 2008 Duck & Goose Call Competition - Division IV
Category #7 - Working Goose Calls - B

Category for traditional resonate cavity and flute style calls. Calls may be made by utilizing any traditional or modern manufacturing technique or materials with the main emphasis on sound reproduction and quality craftsmanship. Wood acrylics, glass plastics, injection molded and production calls are welcome.


Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge.

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Herb Ohley
1st Place

Bob Hayes
2nd place

Herb Ohley
3rd place


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